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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Zack Grienke Signs with Arizona Diamondbacks

The most shocking free agent signing in a while was Zack Grienke to the Arizona Diamondbacks, for over thirty million a year.  This is a huge shift in the NL West, as Grienke goes from the Los Angeles Dodgers to the Diamondbacks.  In my mind this makes the Diamondbacks contenders for the NL West and the Wild Card.  With an MVP contending first baseman and most underrated player in baseball, Paul Goldschmidt, and new uniforms, they should be a feared small market contender.
This also puts a HUGE hole in the Dodgers rotation.  They have Clayton Kershaw, maybe Alex Wood, and that's like it.  The Dodgers have overpaid for many players, but couldn't for their ace?  Seems weird to me, and the Dodgers will probably regress.  They have a lot of money and no salary cap to deal wit, so it'll be very interesting to see what they do, with a lot of the top arms off of the free agent market, maybe a trade. Such as the one that sent NL Batting Champion Dee Gordon to the Miami Marlins. But, I doubt the Dodgers would be afraid to pull the trigger.

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