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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Why Play the Pro Bowl?

The Pro Bowl is a pretty big waste of time.  First of all, nobody wants to play in it.  Like Tom Brady, after a long season and a rough ending, why would he want to play in the Pro Bowl?  Secondly, star players are hurt after a long season.  Antonio Brown, Ben Roethlisberger, and Carson Palmer are probably three of the biggest examples of stars being hurt.  That's down the best receiver in the game, an elite two-time Super Bowl winner and Palmer, who had a great season.  Instead, we get Teddy Bridgewater. Around 180 players were named All-Pro.  Really. Another reason is that the game is so boring.  No one tries.
The Pro Bowl is up there with the NBA All-Star game as the worst All Star games.  The NHL and MLB's are far better.  The MLB has the Home Run Derby, and the NHL has skills competitions on Saturday night and now a three-on-three tournament the next day.
As an avid MLB fan, I watch at least some of the All-Star game anyways, but I'm not as big of a fan of the NHL.  The All-Star game intrigues me, and although I didn't get a chance to see the tournament,  Saturday night was a blast, and the John Scott story made it that more interesting
The NFL needs to have skills competitions like they used to.  That would allow the fans to see the best compete in things such as the bench press.  That gets people excited.  If they don't change anything at all, it should be shutdown for good. 
The changes they have tried to make have not worked that well.  The biggest change, of course, is the fantasy draft.  The first year, it was interesting, but the other years it has been meh.  The week before the Super Bowl is stupid, because if Super Bowl bound players want to compete, they can't.  Wouldn't the Pro Bowl get more viewers if Cam Newton was playing?  I would think so.
Of course, they still get good ratings so the NFL most likely won't change anything, so none of what I said before matters.  If changes are going to be made, it will happen when the ratings get low if at all.

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